Today, September 8th 2021, my 1969 VW bus Buddy and I cross back into California, and begin the joyous wrap-up of a four and a half month Summer Tour. For the next few months I'll be posting one picture from tour every day, and I'd be honored to have you tag along with our adventure.

Driving side highways is always more fun than taking interstates. But the increase in fun, decrease in fuel consumption, and more relaxing mental state come at a cost: I have completely and utterly neglected maintenance on my bus, my body, and my business. Buddy went more than 7,000 miles without an oil change, (and the air-cooled Type 1 engine doesn't have an oil filter,) I can't drive 14 hour marathon days anymore, and it turns out people actually don't like waiting a week for an e-mail response.
Now that we'll be home, I hope Buddy and I will be able to regain some efficiency lost to visiting six national parks in a month… Or biking 350 miles across four states… Or…
See you on the road,